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Economic Calendar

Forex currencies

Ziwox.com's Economic Calendar helps traders mitigate event risk by providing timely updates on impactful news events and economic data releases. Stay informed and anticipate market movements to optimize trading strategies. Avoid surprises and make informed decisions to safeguard your investments.

Weekly calendar

Date Time Remain Imp Currency Event Actual Forecast Previous
Calendar Sentiment

Calendar Sentiment

Traders sentiment by the Calendar forecast

The Forex economic calendar plays a crucial role in shaping weekly market sentiment.
When the forecast for an economic indicator is higher than the previous number, it often signals optimism about the economy.
Traders may perceive this as positive news, leading to increased demand for the currency.
Conversely, if the forecast is lower than the previous value, it can create uncertainty or pessimism, potentially impacting currency values.
However, the actual impact depends on the significance of the data and overall market sentiment. Anticipating these events allows traders to make informed decisions and adjust their positions accordingly. 📊🌐

Here, we assign negative values to forecasts lower than the previous numbers and positive values to better-than-previous forecasts. By summing these values, we gauge sentiment that called Callendar Sentiment. We assume that negative numbers could have a negetive effect possibility on the currency index while a positive numbers are good for the currency index.

Weekly Calendar Sentiment

EUR Sentiment: 5

High impact, French Flash Manufacturing PMI
Wed 24th of July 07:15
Previous: 45.3
High impact, French Flash Services PMI
Wed 24th of July 07:15
Previous: 48.8
High impact, German Flash Manufacturing PMI
Wed 24th of July 07:30
Previous: 43.4
High impact, German Flash Services PMI
Wed 24th of July 07:30
Previous: 53.5
Medium impact, Flash Manufacturing PMI
Wed 24th of July 08:00
Previous: 45.6
Medium impact, Flash Services PMI
Wed 24th of July 08:00
Previous: 52.6
Medium impact, German ifo Business Climate
Thu 25th of July 08:00
Previous: 88.6
Medium impact, ECB President Lagarde Speaks
Thu 25th of July 15:00
EUR chart

USD Sentiment: 5

Medium impact, Richmond Manufacturing Index
Tue 23rd of July 13:59
Previous: -10
Medium impact, Existing Home Sales
Tue 23rd of July 14:00
Previous: 4.11M
High impact, Flash Manufacturing PMI
Wed 24th of July 13:45
Previous: 51.7
High impact, Flash Services PMI
Wed 24th of July 13:45
Previous: 55.1
Medium impact, New Home Sales
Wed 24th of July 14:00
Previous: 619K
High impact, Advance GDP q/q
Thu 25th of July 12:30
Previous: 1.6%
High impact, Unemployment Claims
Thu 25th of July 12:30
Previous: 243K
Medium impact, Advance GDP Price Index q/q
Thu 25th of July 12:30
Previous: 3.1%
Medium impact, Core Durable Goods Orders m/m
Thu 25th of July 12:30
Previous: -0.1%
Medium impact, Durable Goods Orders m/m
Thu 25th of July 12:30
Previous: 0.1%
High impact, Core PCE Price Index m/m
Fri 26th of July 12:30
Previous: 0.1%
Medium impact, Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment
Fri 26th of July 14:00
Previous: 66.0
USD chart

GBP Sentiment: 0

High impact, Flash Manufacturing PMI
Wed 24th of July 08:30
Previous: 51.4
High impact, Flash Services PMI
Wed 24th of July 08:30
Previous: 51.2
GBP chart

CAD Sentiment: -1

High impact, BOC Monetary Policy Report
Wed 24th of July 13:45
High impact, BOC Rate Statement
Wed 24th of July 13:45
High impact, Overnight Rate
Wed 24th of July 13:45
Previous: 4.75%
High impact, BOC Press Conference
Wed 24th of July 14:30
CAD chart

AUD Sentiment:

AUD chart

NZD Sentiment:

NZD chart

CHF Sentiment:

CHF chart

JPY Sentiment: 1

Medium impact, Tokyo Core CPI y/y
Thu 25th of July 23:30
Previous: 2.1%
JPY chart

CNY Sentiment: 0

Medium impact, 1-y Loan Prime Rate
Mon 22nd of July 01:03
Previous: 3.45%
Medium impact, 5-y Loan Prime Rate
Mon 22nd of July 01:03
Previous: 3.95%
CNY chart

Calendar Heatmap

Market Volatility Insights

The Forex Calendar Events Heatmap Indicator visually summarizes upcoming market events by day and hour, highlighting potential high volatility periods.
Significant events like economic reports and political announcements impact currency prices. This tool helps traders make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and manage risks.
Darker shades on the heatmap indicate higher volatility, while lighter shades indicate lower volatility, enabling traders to identify and plan for the most volatile trading times.